Monday, September 15, 2003

I watched the play "Bent" last night, staged by Toy Factory in its wonderful attic theater, starring Keagan Kang and Brendon Fernandez as lead roles.

It was an extraordinary performance; it was also the first time I saw so many gay couples 'in the open.' While the all-male performance was intense and stark, what struck me most was the question it evoked in myself. What is my stand on homosexuality?

Although I consider myself a traditional Catholic, my objective side says, "What's wrong in being 'bent'?" To those who believe that homosexuals are born with such inclination, there doesn't seem to be any justifiable objection to accepting gays as anyone else has a right to be accepted. And so I am such a believer. But the question's more than just whether it's okay to be gay. Sure there are 'legal' implications in 'legally accepting' gays - from marriage issues to family issues; but the question goes deeper than immediate consequences to the human civilisation.

Biologically speaking, it does not make sense to be gay. Period. A gay couple cannot reproduce, at least not until (and if ever) human cloning becomes feasible (and acceptable!). What holds them together? Would 'love' alone be sufficient bond for a 'family' unit where the parents are of the same gender?

Some species are still reproducing asexually; but surely, sexual reproduction evolved because it offers advantages, that in large system, swings the fight for the species' survival? My point is, I guess, it's bad enough that gays cannot 'propagate their genes', one of the basic instincts of every living being. As 'human' beings (as opposed to 'just' animals), we must accommodate, we must protect, we must embrace this 'biologically-illogical' difference. We call ourselves human and we call ourselves civilised; we need to protect everyone's rights to live a dignified life as a human being. Ditch the jungle laws and let's be human.